Like all of Central Appalachia, Mingo County, West Virginia along with Pike and Floyd Counties, Kentucky possesses vast coal and natural gas resources, ample water and a robust transportation infrastructure. The TransGas project sites are able to draw on the workforce and the vast coal reserves in Pike, Martin, Letcher, Floyd and Knott Counties in Kentucky, Mingo, Logan, Wyoming and McDowell counties in West Virginia and Buchanan and Wise Counties in Virginia.
The citizens and leadership of these counties and states, as well as those of the entire region have been extremely supportive of the TransGas projects. As a result there are now three permitted TransGas projects under development; Adams Fork Energy, LLC in West Virginia and in Buffalo Creek Energy, LLC and Chisolm Energy LLC in Kentucky.
The Adams Fork Energy, LLC project is a $3 billion facility located on approximately 150 acres off the new King Coal Highway just west of Gilbert, West Virginia. The site was chosen for its central location within the Appalachian coal fields along with its access to water, rail and highways.
This plant is TransGas' reference plant design and will produce nearly 1 billion gallons per year of gasoline and liquid fuels from approximately 7,500 tons of coal. The plant can utilize any grade of coal including coal otherwise deemed to be waste coal. The two TransGas plants in Kentucky will be duplicates to this reference plant design.
Plant access will be from the King Coal highway and US-52 with finished product transported via rail or pipeline.
The facility will employ 5,000 construction jobs and take 45 months to complete. Once operational, the plant will employ 300 people on a day-to-day basis. In addition support contractors and vendors may add 100 more jobs. Supplying coal to the plant will generate 240 more jobs. The project compliments to minerals extraction and timber economies of Appalachia by developing a new manufacturing base which will lead to greater employment opportunities.
TransGas is fully permitted was issued a permit by the State of West Virginia, Department of Environmental Protection, to both construct and operate this now shovel ready project, which is under construction.
The Buffalo Creek Energy, LLC project is located on approximately 150 acres north of Tram and Pikeville Kentucky and startles the Floyd and Pike County line.
Access will be from US23/460 to the south with finished product either transported via rail or pipeline.
The design of the Adams Fork Energy facility will serve as a reference plant for the Buffalo Creek Energy facility.
The Chisolm Energy, LLC project is on approximately 150 acres located on KY-194 south of Phelps Kentucky in the western portion of Pike County near the Virginia state line. The site was a former coal mine and preparation plant site adjacent to a Norfok Southern rail spur. There are multiple active coal mines in the area with several coal loading facilities near the site.
Plant access will be from US23 to KY-194 with finished product transported via rail or pipeline.
The design of the Adams Fork Energy facility will serve as a reference plant for the Chisolm Energy facility.
TransGas uses proven Uhde PRENFLO® Coal Gasification technology. The PRENFLO® operation in Puertollano, Spain, is the world's largest solid-fuel-based International Green Construction Code (IGCC) power plant.
Gas Alternatives Systems, Inc (GAS) was founded in 1981 for fossil and alternative fuels use in cogeneration applications. It spun off certain projects the most noted being an 80 MW electric output / 500,000 lb/hr steam cogeneration facility in Syracuse, NY which operated very successfully for approximately 20 years.
Today, GAS continues to pursue development of special peaking, cogeneration and renewable power projects. GAS has offices and power generation equipment including storage facilities in Syracuse, NY.
TransGas Energy Systems, LLC
This is a rendering of TGE's "state of the art" high technology underground 1100MW power plant which is designed to supply lower Manhattan, Brooklyn and/or Queens enough electric and steam heat to continuously operate under the most extreme natural disasters or terrorist threats. It prevents Blackouts and keeps the electric and steam heat on, subways moving, critical pumping operations (sewer, water flood operations and gas stations) and communications alive and working no matter what the disaster.